HOME   The best DNS interface just got better!

The best DNS interface just got better!

February 26, 2013

Only hours before we entered 2013 we deployed the new PowerDNS Hosting interface in beta with lots of new features. Directly after that deploy we spent a lot of time finetuning the new interface and making sure we crossed the T's and dotted the I's. 

We're proud of the result that has taken a lot of time rearranging and sometimes even rebuilding the technology of our platform in the backend while keeping the front-end up & running. 

Following the user feedback from the surey we sent out early 2012 we noticed our customers quite loved the interface but also requested some extra features to make managing domains less time-consuming. For that, we built a new domain templating system and the possibility to mass-upload your zone files (from bind) into the PowerDNS Hosting interface. 

Some new core enhancements are the possibilty to add vanity nameserver and we're one of the first DNS Hosting companies in the world to support DNSSec.
Following up on the development with PowerDNS we've added this new feature to PRO type zones in PowerDNS Hosting.

For more information on setting up DNSSec with PowerDNS Hosting, please follow this link: DNSSec in three easy steps as part of our FAQ. 

More information on DNSSec? Read the WikiPedia page here.


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